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Tuesday, May the 3rd, 2016Hello! Today we had a visit from our oldest brother Emil. He told us equal, that he is the first westie, who is born from our breeder-mums. Well, he can also buy anything with this information and our toys, we have therefore still not shared with him. Mia Lotta was very excited when Emil came. I think so, that she has a crush on him. But with brothers you can play only, which needs it is not necessary to make beautiful eyes. You see Mia Lotta can learn from me anything. ![]() My brother Fille looks the way a bit funny. He has such a funny white cloth on the head. Sometimes looks the cloth like an ear and sometimes like a satellite dish. I have no idea why his ears so by making a comical transformation. ![]() See you soon The beloved Stina on Troublemaker StreetWednesday, May the 4th, 2016Today we had a stroking visit. The atroking visit is really great because you get spots stroked the fur and occasionally brings us the visit gifts. Today we got a pink pig. I also take care that tomorrow you get a photo from our latest achievement. ![]() In addition, we were back on the terrace. There is great. ![]() Because we can find there quite different toys. A suspension bridge, stairs, stones in all sizes and a meadow. ![]() Today Mia Lotta lent us her bear Bruno to play. In the bear you can bite, but in the puppy run we can not take him. ![]() In the evening, the ball pit was changed again to our swing. That's good, because now the ball pit was really boring. So many variety is exactly right for us. ![]() In the coming days there will be a new surprise for us. We are so excited. ![]() See you soon The beloved Polly on Troublemaker StreetThursday, May the 5th, 2016It is only a story, that in the forest lives a bad wolf. Mia Lotta has a fertile imagination. How interested burning, where she always gets the great stories. ![]() Maybe I can need such stories for Fiona and Holly also to give them respect to me. Well, if I'm lucky, Mia Lotta tells me before I moved out of their source. ![]() In the forest of Hänsel and Gretel and the Big Bad Wolf, it was great. Since there are brand new toys and many odors. We also can learn a lot of Aunt Maya and Aunt Carlotta. Because in the forest the aunts must take care of us so mom and Mia Lotta can play together. ![]() Today we also get the new toy. That's stupid, because you must walk slowly and slowly, we have no desire. Fortunately, we have plenty of alternatives, so we need to look not further with the stupid thing. ![]() The photo of the pig Polly forgot to commission, because we were severely mistreated. Our coat was stolen and our claws were cut with such a torture instrument. We were terrified that we lose our paws. Oh, the story I dress up in all colors and tell them Holly and Fiona. Hooray, I have my first horror story. ![]() See you soon The beloved Tommy on Troublemaker StreetFriday, May the 6th, 2016Hello people! Today we were back at the nice woman with the great things and the many noises. This time we were allowed to play on hay bales. ![]() ![]() That was full of fun. n addition, a photo of us all was taken. Of all of us is that in the photo, not only we are five, but mom, Mia Lotta, aunt Maya and aunt Carlotta. We are all very excited that the big Four, have also managed properly. It would be terrible if the four filthy us our photo. They claim that they are real dogmodels, but that may indeed any claim. For that we have seen no evidence. ![]() So a photo shoot there is difficult, but much worse is Pinkel training. It's totally banana where you make pee. We have breeder-moms who whisk away. That's their job! But breeder-moms think that we have to pee on the pad. So they trained after the photo shoot still with us. So in our view it would be completely unnecessary been. We already know where the pad is located. But breeder-moms must surely be busy. See you soon The beloved five on Troublemaker StreetPS: Thank you very much Ute for taking photos of our puppies. Satuday, May the 7th, 2016Hello fans! Today we have made a little treat to breeder-moms. We have done so, as if the toilet training has worked. Boah, that can satisfy with totally simple means. ![]() In the morning we were with the Great in the forest. So Hänsel, Gretel and the big bad wolf we did not meet, although our range is growing. ![]() When we get home, then we will bring a breeder-mom us individually from the puppy run. We need our collar store and be brushed and combed. Everybody and then they draw little black things out of our skin and kill them. Then they always say to us that they are wrong friends and who only want to eat our blood. ![]() Because we understand the thing with the black gizmos is not so good, we asked Mia Lotta. But her answer sounds incredible, probably the only one new horror story. She claims that these things can be huge. It also aims to itch and tweak if a suck. Allegedly need false friends to get our blood to babies. But people must collect fast from us since the dangerous diseases can be transmitted to us. Luckily one yet bitten us from these monsters. ![]() If I find an opportunity, then I have my aunts after the monsters ask, because I do not know if I Mia Lotta can still believe. ![]() See you soon The beloved Fia Lisa on Troublemaker StreetSunday, May the 8th, 2016So today, the opportunity has revealed a conversation with our aunts. They confirmed Mia Lotta's history. However, the two said, that our breeder-mums are always great search and only very rarely a false friend can really suck blood. Fortunately. Today we brought no black thing out of the woods. ![]() Probably the monster afraid of us, because we have become so big and strong. But the Great have had hanging in fur some passengers. ![]() In addition, we once were fed disgusting paste again today. This stuff tastes disgusting. Apparently that was the last time today. ![]() Mia Lotta has heard that we go to the vet tomorrow. SHe has claimed there are the wool over your eyes is then drawn, because we are so naughty. Who's believe. Mia Lotta is always returned with her fur by the vet, can we nothing happens. ![]() Because in comparison to Mia Lotta we are so good that nothing happens to us there. ![]() You see, we have learned that you no longer can believe everything of Mia Lotta. Though it has not yet agreed to tell us her horror stories. ![]() However, she came today from the horror, if one believes her face. She was totally pissed when her fridge-opener has returned her to us. I want to know so much as Mia Lotta was made a head shorter. ![]() See you soon The beloved Fille on Troublemaker StreetMonday, May the 9th, 2016Mia Lotta is sometimes quite. Today breeder-mums have unpacked the colorful snakes again. Ugh, devil! The colorful snakes are fully goofy. Breeder-mum can use this to determine in which direction I should run. I am a Westie. I can determine the direction in which I want to run. My future fridge-opener have to chase. Finally, I'm there the boss as soon as I crossed the threshold. ![]() A license plate we got today, supposedly that's important. Why, no idea. I think I need no license plate, because I know what my name is. Despite anesthetic I have fully suffered the implanting of the license plate. I cried my heart out, but to no avail. Nobody will knows the number, I'm sure. ![]() See you soon The beloved Tommy on Troublemaker Street |