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Saturday, 1st November 2014Hello people! So I'm doing a great job as a mum. All my white sausages have been transformed to polar bear babies and doubled their birth weight. I'm sort of the best example of each manual for breeder. (Requests are welcome about my management. Have I ever been one?) Yesterday the fridge-opener have stunned found that my little ones are not only bigger and thicker, but also get fur. Yes, what did they think. My children are pure-bred westies, of course, get they fur. They aren't naked dogs. Well, with these problems you have to do, if you are dealing with beginners. But I must not complain, the fridge-opener learn quickly. ![]() Sunday, 2nd November 2014Hi! Slowly make me this miniature polar bears fear. When I'm sooooo careful dare to go in the litter box, then they fall upon me. Yes, you read that right. The mini polar bear fall upon me. Quickly get they creep and I get to bring hardly me to safety. And I would like to lay in the whelping box. As before, when I had to share it only with Ellie. However the times seem to be over. ![]() Monday, 3rd November 2014Show-off! Show-off! ![]() Now he succumbed to megalomania. The informer set in scene next to the water bottle (0.5l) and that everything because he now weighs 500g. Allegedly is exactly the weight of such a bottle. He should still play with his water bottle when he can finally move times properly. The thickness comes forward barely. Well, with that tub no miracle. It amazes me that he still reaches the milk bar. He probably will neeever look out of the eyes ,because they are swollen shut from his fat. But Karlsson thinks that he is the high-flyer. Flyer because of! Elephant, it assigns more when he is coming near me, I'm afraid of being crushed. Today I wanted necessarily that Carlotta's fridge-opener take a photo of me so you can see like a Westie puppy looks and not only as a whopper. ![]() The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker StreetTuesday, 4th November 2014First I thought that the fridge-opener want to replace me. Why else would they give my puppies this white-speckled black thing? But I have quickly found that they have only a concern for me. My son Nilsson has recognized the purpose quickly. Since today my children occasionally wear their collars, so they get used to it. ![]() Wednesday, 5th November 2014Hello people! For us, Christmas is already the beginning of November, so we can start practicing for Christmas Eve. Yesterday was the great cuddly dog in our litter box. Today arrived the next gift. However, we were not fast enough and now the comic thickness lying on our bed. The fridge-opener call the naughty little Maya. Why can't they teach her manners. We don't set ourselves in foreign basket without asking. But the behavior of which was not unexpectedly, finally she stands often before our whelping box and staring what we are up to. Currently we have to accept this wayward, but if we are big and strong, then we get to what the fridge-opener have failed educational technology. But now back to our black-and-white friend. This part is super, especially when mom leaves the litter box. You can be great to snuggle with him. My brothers see today who wears the pants in the whelping box. I !!!!!! Finally, I am the only one, who can climb the highest point on the cuddly dog and there enjoying the place in the sun. Now wait here all interesting to see who is the first to look at the world. Bets are still accepted. ![]() See you soon The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker StreetThursday, 6th November 2014Hi people! Today the fridge-opener made the first group photo of us and the great. So if only we had the photo shoot, that wouldn't be a problem. We have placed on the blanket and calmly waited until Maya, Carlotta and our mom subsided. To guard a sack of fleas is easier as to take care that the big three are neat. But Maya's fridge-opener did a great job and so Carlotta's fridge-opener had the photo thanks our patience and calm quickly in the box. But see for yourself how we have exemplary conduct ourselves during the group photos. ![]() And see how we have looked into the camera. Well, we are just real professionals. See you soon The awesome 4 on Troublemaker StreetFriday, 7th November 2014I AM A STAR GET ME OUT OF HERE !!!!!! I am Czech Junior Champion, Champion San Marino, Slovenia Club Winner and won Champion entitlements in many countries, what did I, that I deserve this treatment. To avoid misunderstandings, I love my little polar bears, but they suck me off. I am not a cow, that must be milked every day. If someone had told me before my pregnancy, what will happen to me, I would known how to prevent this condition. Even in the jungle the stars have the opportunity at any time to get out. Am I not a star? ![]() |