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Saturday, 29th November 2014We have seen the sky. No, we did not fly. We were on the terrace and met stone floors, grass, leaves, etc. Mom played really nice with us and the aunts were paying attention. Mom ran like a flash properly. As fast as we never saw her run. Hopefully we will later times sooooooo fast. Unfortunately, we were only briefly on the terrace. Supposedly it's cold outside and we should not catch cold. Well, so without fur the fridge-opener determined freeze and could be ill. Hopefully we can tomorrow on the terrace because it smells so good. If you shut up, we'll tell you a secret. It was good that we were not so long outside. Because so many new things makes you tired and we were glad when we were back in the basket. ![]() The awesome 4 on Troublemaker StreetSunday, 30th November 2014Hello! Today we have the terrace further explored. Out there, we have a lot of fun and mom plays so beautiful with us. We play run and fight. In puppies outlet mom plays also with us, but sometimes she steals us the toy. That's not nice of her. We thought that the toys in puppies spout belongs us. But we are bigger and stronger every day and soon we show mom, who belongs the toys. Since today we have a transport box in puppies outlet in which you can also sleep great. ![]() The awesome 4 on Troublemaker StreetMonday, 1st December 2014Sure do you remember that we were on Thursday last week at a photo shoot. The nice woman was really fast and sent us our photos this daY. Now you can convince yourself of how photogenic we are. ![]() Mia Lotta and Emil ![]() Karlsson and Nilsson ![]() Karlsson and Emil Posing on the sofa was of course not difficult for us. But was really great the next set. So the photographers call the backdrop. ![]() Mia Lotta and Karlsson ![]() Mia Lotta and Karlsson Emil and Nilsson Here was required all of our knowledge. Fortunately, we have trained at home already busy with the balance board. During the basket photo it was the most difficult that we all look at the same time in the camera, say the fridge-opener. If that somebody would have said to us what is expected of us, it would have been from the beginning, no problem. But how do we know without precise work instructions, what is expected of us. A basket full of puppies ![]() Foto 1: Nilsson, Karlsson, Mia Lotta and Emil Foto 2: Karlsson, Nilsson, Mia Lotta and Emil But the best for last. In keeping with the festive season Ute shot us in the Santa Claus hat. ![]() The awesome Emil on Troublemaker Street ![]() The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker Street ![]() The awesome Karlsson on Troublemaker Street ![]() The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker Street Thank you very much, Ute! You gave so much time and effort with us. Of course the same from the fridge-opener.The awesome 4 on Troublemaker StreetTuesday, 2nd December 2014I'm small but mighty! My brothers have to be afraid of me and my assertiveness. I say in the whole puppy area, where to go. My brothers should know, who wears the trousers. So I have the same time the sleeves rolled up, so that the three guys know where to go. Only on feeding ring I have my claim enforced yet remaining. The three thicknesses are soooooo greedy that I am always in the gaps must squeeze. But soon enough they learn, where to go, even when eating. ![]() See you soon The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker StreetWednesday, 3rd December 2014This is nasty !!!!! Today Lotti was allowed to take a picture with Mia Lotta. Ellie had pimped me when I played ball and she does not share her babies with me. Thelittle poison dwarf has four puppies. She could really supply me one puoppy continuously. But the miser keeps me right in the eye when I in puppies outlet and then Ellie viewed whether all the puppies are still there. What would be so bad if I take care of one. I would really lovely to the puppy and I am also undemanding. I also take the puppy Ellie would give me and I don't want to choose one. The main thing I get one. I do not talk with my fridge-opener. She has never let me be mom and now she also does not take care that Ellie must give me a puppy. But I my share my toys with her is unfair. Today I must tell you my frustration. Perhaps the participants read here and take care, that I get a puppy for my own. Here are the photos from today. ![]() Thursday, 4th December 2014I'm an angel! I'm an angel! I'm an angel! (Mia Lotta) The dream at night the little girl. Angel?! We can laugh about it. She is soooo naughty. She pulls the fur of her brother over them and she feels like the chief in the puppy area. Oh now we know when Mia Lotta is an angel. When she closes her eyes, she sleeps like an angel. But luckily she has respect in front of age. It is good, that she knows how to deal with Westiedamen in sedate age. Finally you need after a certain age peace. In the photo, of course, she steals the show ourselves. But it is okay. Unfortunately we could not photographed all puppies together with us, Guys do not have the necessary peace for something like this. Well, the female readers know. Men! More must not say. ![]() Friday, 5th December 2014Today we played the game with the orange snake again. Emil and me had to play the game. The snake is really crap. Since you are outside of puppy outlet and then you can't look under the couch or between cabinets. No, you have to run in the direction of the Carlotta's fridge-opener lures, because the naughty reached the end of the snake in her hand. Carlotta and the others are in safe distance and laughs determined in their sleeves. I've been on this game no more desire, but maybe like the others. I prefer to spend my time in the puppy spout and games with mom and my siblings. There I can do what I want. ![]() See you soon The awesome Karlsson on Troublemaker Street |