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Saturday, 15th November 2014Hi people! Carlotta's frdige-opener took today again individual photos of us. I show me at my best. The other you must judge yourself, otherwise they will say tomorrow, that I'm conceited. But among us, you see, of course, that I draw all eyes on me on all images. I probably have inherited Mama's model genes. ![]() The fridge-opener have since yesterday a jump in the bowl. Whenever one of us done his business on the changing pad, they are petting and praise them. It seems, that they mean, we are crazy. We also know without guidance, that we should do our business there and tuen it of course mainly. The benefits of the ramp and the toy we discover now more and more for us. Also the tunnel that is new in the puppy run, we find class. Of course I have to tell my siblings to deal with these things, otherwise they would be overtaxed. ![]() See you soon The awesome Nilsson on Troublemaker StreetSunday, 16th November 2014Where is the complaints office for puppies? If we were interested in an extensive fitness program, we would sign us in a gym. But we have no interest in a special fitness facilities for puppies. We ask for a lift! (Mom reported of such a thing, as she told us a bedtime story.) We want such a part at the entrance of our whelping box. The ramp will disappear. It's just tough to come across the wooden rods to our snuggle. And if it's true what Mom told, then drives a lift to the correct floor. So once again for all and for the record: WE WANT AN ELEVATOR AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE LITTER BOX !!!! ![]() The awesome 4 on Troublemaker StreetMontag, der 17.November 2014Die Schlacht am kalten Buffet. Es ist echt stressig, wenn man mit drei Brüdern am Tisch sitzt. Naja, wir sitzen nicht, aber Essmanieren haben Emil, Nilsson und Karlsson trotzdem nicht. Für mich zierliches Wesen ist es kaum möglich an die tolle Fleischpampe zu kommen. Die anderen fahren ihre Pobacken aus, sobald der Teller mit dem Essen im Welpenauslauf steht. Aber heute hatte ich eine tolle Idee, um mich durchzusetzen. Ich habe mich einfach in die Mitte vom Teller gesetzt. Dann haben meine Brüder auch mal gesehen, wie das ist, wenn jemand die Futterquelle blockiert. Leider gibt es natürlich keine Fotoaufnahme von meiner Glanztat. Aber dafür sind hier einige andere Fotos von unserem Tag. ![]() ![]() Bis bald The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker StreetMonday, 17th November 2014The Battle. It's really stressful when you are sitting at the table with three brothers. Well, we do not sit, but Emil Nilsson and Karlsson have not eating habits. For me, being petite, it is hardly possible to come to the great food. The other ride from their buttocks as soon as the plate with the food is in puppies outlet. But today I had a great idea to assert myself. I just sat down in the middle of the plate. Then have my brothers a views, as this is when someone blocks the food source. Unfortunately, there is of course no photograph of my brilliant save. But for that, here are some other pictures of our day. ![]() ![]() See you soon The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker StreetTuesday, 18th November 2014Hello people! Especially the male readers will understand us after looking at these photos. ![]() Our sister has no more marbles or otherwise the screw is loose. You can pick and choose, definitely Mia Lotta has a really distorted perception. We have no eating etiquette. Yes, who put the feet into the food bowl, today. Who is trampled with his unwashed stinking paws on our food? Even with her ass she has perched on our food. We thought we are in the wrong movie. Hopefully mom attacks now and finally brings the flute at the little witch. See you soon