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Tuesday, April the 5th, 2016Hello fans! I can really see you at last. For Tommy and me are the slits almost openly. Our sisters still live in the dark. Well, anway he deserves and small strong boys who listen to their mum and diligently suck, deserve only the best. I am particularly looking at what my big sister Mia Lotta says if I now then blow their march. Because seeing has an incredible advantage people. You can suddenly much better crawl because you can orient yourself. ![]() Now I'll be your strength, because I train every day my muscles. The litter box is slow quite puny. If one can use his eyes, then you finally want to see something that is more interesting than mum, siblings and the boring box. Well, here if not soon rises a partx, then I will train my barking even further. Finally, then someone has to specify tone and why I should not do that myself. ![]() Now I have but then first again a round of sleep and recharge my batteries, because life as a puppy is really exhausting. ![]() See you soon The beloved Fille on Troublemaker StreetWednesday, April the 6th, 2016Hello people! The worms got eyes. Yes, you heard right, the worms have eyes. So the past few weeks, I thought that they only have a mouth to suck my mom. But now the worms staring at me. ![]() So I'm really curious, what surprises will happen next. Since today the first are trying to leave the whelping box. But because of their leggs, they are not able to do that. Luckily! Otherwise it would probably be over and done with my rest. The fridge-opener rejoiced true, that the worms now open their eyes and allegedly can hear too. This means, that I have to watch what I say. Finally, the worms hear. Maybe they are bugs? ![]() I'll keep an eye on their development and will report to you. One thing I know definitely certain: I WAS NEVER A WORM OR BUG. I've always been a Westie and have NEVER - I REPEAT NEVER - looked so funny. ![]() See you soon The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker Street - alias "The worms reporter"Thursday, April the 7th, 2016Hello! We are no zoo animals! But still there are in our immediate vicinity gawkers. So the thick gwaker, who snorts so weird, we know already. She torn us from sleep last week, but today there are two more gawkers. While we were staying for a short time before the whelping box to look at our surroundings a bit more, the gawkers stood at the fence. The last I can tell you. Maybe we should charge admission, we can buy us great things. Mum told, that one can not always have everything. Some things cost money. If we now charge admission, then we can buy all things. ![]() In the legs of my siblings can be great bite, I found out today. Unfortunately, the other, which also discovered. Every advantage you have here is short-lived. Within a short time my siblings find out another something similar. This is sometimes really mean. ![]() I just wonder, when I see the gawkers next time. I believe, that the saucy nose is my big sister Mia Lotta. Unfortunately, she is really big. But we are fortunately to fifth. ![]() See you soon The beloved Stina on Troublemaker StreetFriday, April the 8th, 2016Good evening, dear readers! Today there are only a few pictures of us. Because the fridge-opener rebuilt our puppy run, so that we can leave the litter box in the next few days. In addition, the terrace was further prepared. Now only the lawn fails, then everything is finished. But the best brought the postman today. Packages for us. Since we are not yet tied to the litter box, Maya, Carlotta, Mia Lotta and mum unpacked our surprises. Then the great played with our surprises. That's unfair. Perhaps it was also good, because if the surprises for the adults are good, they are designed just right for us. Fortunately the fridge-opener recognize, that we will soon no longer be held. ![]() See you soon The beloved five on Troublemaker StreetSaturday, April the 9th, 2016Dear Emil! Dear Nilsson! Dear Karlsson! Dear other interested! Today something strange happened. My fridge-opener kept a worm close to the fence and I could sniff about him. So now I'm totally confused. The worms, which I otherwise see in the meadow, in the forest smell different. The color is also another, when I think about it. I am totally confused, what we have at home there. ![]() Mum had no problem, that I saw the "thing" close (I do not know what to call it.). Certain is that the five "things" are all the same, because I sniffed more copies. It is also certain, that they do not look like my brothers, Maya, Carlotta, mum and me. However they smell similar. Maybe depends, that mum is constantly with them in the litter box. ![]() My roommate assert firmly, that they are little Westies and my brothers and me looked in the same way. But I can look in the mirror. In the bedroom is a quite large one. My brothers, I see often when we visit us. So I can safely say: "SO WE DON'T LOOK LIKE THEM!!!!" ![]() I do not understand the world anymore. But I'll keep an eye on developments and tell you more. The "things" will leave the whelping box in the next few days and I can inspect them again. See you soon The awesome Mia Lotta on Troublemaker StreetSunday, April the 10th, 2016I'm finally here in my area. Actually I was never elsewhere. I had only unfortunately hiding in the litter box, so I could be big and strong. Now I see and hear excellent and use my energy to explore my territory. The refrain of the song "Wieder hier" by Marius Müller-Westernhagen was written for me. ![]() Of course, some small changes are necessary: I am FINALLY here in my area was never somewhere away got me just hiding I smell freedom I breathe deeply and I am sure to be in good hands ![]() For my siblings was probably the song of Pippi Longstocking written "Being lazy is beautiful". While I explored the area and found out that not every underground is good for my locomotion equal. The other slouched around in the litter box. Well, if they are so stupid, I can not help them. In the whelping box you can't learn new things. I'm sure. They should not lament my ears full, when they miss the connection to the "real" life. ![]() See you soon The beloved Tommy on Troublemaker StreetMonday, April the 11th, 2016Hello people! Today we leave the litter box. However, we returned to our whelping box to relax. ![]() Before the whelping box colorful things lying around. In some you could bite, others we could poke with our nose. Mia Lotta told us, that the thing with the red, blue and green arms are a gift of Karlsson's fridge-opener. This was specially made for us because our stuffy sister wanted not share her octopus with us. ![]() ![]() However Mia Lotta be fully nice. While we outside the litter box explores the world, she stood at the fence and did not let us out of sight. When we came to the fence, then she has very friendly and said "Hello" to us. Funny that she sometimes rushes and then is so cute. Allegedly make great siblings that way. I can not remember that I have four major siblings. Perhaps Emil, Nilsson and Karlsson have also the great sibling syndrome. But perhaps the disease afflicts only girls and I still hope that my big brothers read every wish from my eyes. ![]() See you soon The beloved Fia Lisa on Troublemaker Street |